Charlotte's Shore
This section of our tour starts at the
corner of University and Belvedere beside the University of
Prince Edward Island. We're going to head north on University
Avenue which then turns into the Trans Canada Highway. If
you don't have a visitor's guide and map you can
visitor information online or send us an
and we�ll have them mailed to you.
About 1.5 kms (1 mile) up the road you'll
get to another set of lights, then the road splits. Stay to
the left as the road turns and heads west.
As you cross the North River Bridge, you are leaving the City
of Charlottetown and entering the Town of Cornwall. Look to the
left and you can see the entrance of the harbour. The North River
is one of three "rivers" which meet at Charlottetown and form
the harbour. Cornwall was enlarged recently to include North River
and the area here is residential and farming with some small malls
along the highway.
At the Cornwall Shopping Centre, turn left and head south along
route 19. You'll now be entering farming
country with houses and cottages scattered along the road
and shore.
Turn left on Hyde Point Road. Down here you'll find the second
of HomePage Design. You can also drive down and enjoy views
and old buildings near the shore. The fields here run almost to
the shore and during harvest time the local farmers can be seen
their crops.
This is a dead end road so head back to the junction and turn
left onto route 19. Mornings are pleasant here and the early
morning light and mist often provides some great views from
the road. Some of the local
farms are well placed to enjoy their views.
The West River Causeway is a good place to stop and stretch
your legs. Many local boat owners moor their boats
here in the summer. The kids in the area love to come and jump
off the two bridges which make up the crossing here. They'll
even jump off in the middle of the night and early
morning only reveals great numbers of wet footprints on
the bridge decks.
At New Dominion the road takes a left turn and heads east.
New Dominion was probably name for the Dominion of Canada but
may have been named after a ship called the New Dominion which
visited Charlottetown in 1868. After New Dominion, you come to
Fairview which
was so named in 1877 when the school was moved from Webster Creek
because of a
view of Charlottetown and the rivers.